Notary Fees. What are Los Angeles Notary Public fees?

Notary Fees in Los Angeles Clients first and foremost questions when contact us at Los Angeles Mobile Notary Now is how much are Notary Public fees? Can a Notary charge whatever they want for Notary fees? There are many factors in determining the fees that you will be charges for Mobile Notary Services. However, the […]
Find a Notary Public in Los Angeles County

Find a Notary Public in Los Angeles County Many people in Los Angeles County, whether visiting or living there, find themselves in need of a Notary Public to notarize their paperwork. A lot of times people are open to where they want to meet the Notary Public or have the notarization signing take place. So […]
Signature by Mark – Notary in Los Angeles County

Signature by Mark Notary Public A signature by mark being notarized is required when a signer or individual cannot sign their full legal signature. This often occurs with the disability of a client. If they have an injured hand, arm, or fingers, or possibly paralyzation, it can be difficult or impossible for them to execute […]
Notary Public and wills: a complex topic in Los Angeles, California.

Notary Public and wills In Los Angeles County, and throughout California many clients and signers request whether a mobile notary in Los Angeles can notarize a will for them. California Notary Publics cannot give legal advice, the only advice we can give you is to research and to contact a lawyer if you need legal […]
Notarizing for the elderly and disabled, utilizing a mobile Notary Public

Notarizing for the elderly in Los Angeles. When it comes to notarizing documents, sometimes using a Los Angeles mobile Notary Public is best. Using a mobile Notary Public is often a very simple process, which is quick and efficient so that it only takes ten to fifteen minutes. But, when it comes to choosing and […]
How to Find a Mobile Notary Public in Los Angeles

How to find a Mobile Notary Public Locating and hiring a mobile Notary Public in Los Angeles can be a difficult task, but we try our best to make it simple. If you know nothing about Notary Publics, it can be very confusing to try to find the right one, inform that notary of the […]
After hours Notary available in Los Angeles

After hours Mobile Notary Public People often find themselves in need of a Notary Public on a day or time that is not a typical working day, or outside of typical working hours of banks and post offices. Sometimes it is a last-minute urgent need that needs to be completed, or there is a deadline […]
Mobile Notary Services Los Angeles: How They Work

How Mobile Notary services work We often get calls from clients and prospective clients asking how mobile Notary Public services work in Los Angeles County. The process is quite simple. A person finds that they need a document or documents notarized. They Google and find us at the top of the list and call to […]
Notarize a picture in Los Angeles California

Notarize a picture in Los Angeles Can Notaries verify that a picture is a copy of the original? Can they notarize a photograph? What about a copy of my passport or birth certificate? Foreign countries and some agencies request that photocopies that people send in are notarized or certified. While some states or countries may […]
Los Angeles Document Preparation: Notaries Cannot

Los Angeles Document Preparation: Leave it to the lawyers, not the Notaries. We at Los Angeles Notary Now are often asked if we can assist with the preparation of legal documents or letters that clients need to have notarized. “Can you help me create a document for ____ purpose and then notarize it?” “Can you […]